Land Rovers at the Mid-Atlantic Meet RoverWeb Land Rover Banner Land Rovers at Stowe VT
The Big Green Beastie at the OVLR Birthday Party
The RoverWeb is a site for and about Land Rovers, adventures with Land Rovers, and anything else even remotely related to Land Rovers.

The RoverWeb was first written by Greg Hiner . In January 1995 Greg passed the torch to Ray Harder . Now (November 1995), once again, it has been passed on. The RoverWeb is being maintained jointly by Dixon Kenner and Benjamin Smith . Feel free to contact either of us about submissions or corrections.
Here's some photos of us and Ben's Rover.


ANARC (Association of North American Rover Clubs) held its first event on 31 July to 2 Aug 1998. About 350 Rovers showed up, a US record. Here is a link to some photos from the event.

Round Court Investments, Ltd (a Toronto Dealership) vs. Land Rover Canada, Inc. Here are the legal decisions: Part I and Part II (if you read it, you will see profit ratios...

Discovery drivetrain clonk explained (LRNA Bulletin)
Mike Loidice & Dixon Kenner at the British Invasion
NotAJeep at an ABP Rally

FAQs, Information and Archives

Land Rover FAQ (v3.3)

Edited (and for the most part written) by Dixon Kenner, the FAQ is full of information about Land Rovers (including Range Rovers, Discoveries, 101 FCs, and Defenders). The content includes what to look for when buying a used Series Land Rover, how to contact various clubs from around the world, parts vendors , A Register of VIN and limited edition pairs for NAS Defenders (110s, 90s and 90SWs), and serial numbers .

Latest additions:

Alternative parts numbers Range Rovers (Most will work on Defenders and Discoveries of similar years). (5 July 1997)
We restructured the FAQ a bit and moved it. 6 or 7 Repair articles were added to the new Series section. (15 November)
Finding build and MoD records (12 August)
Series IIA Suffix letters (12 August)
Capstan Winches (2 July 1996)

Motor Oil FAQ
Hydraulically Operated Clutch (Local backup )
Winch FAQ
On Coolant

Bill Caloccia maintains the Land Rover Owner email list . This list gives a lot of us a daily "fix" of Land Rover information. Last I heard there were over 1000 people on the list, worldwide. Click on the link for information on how to join.

Archive of the LRO email list from July 1992 to December 1994 (by month) and a link to some of the 1995 digests.

3D Land RoverViewpoint now has a model of a SIII 88" Land Rover ( by F. X. DeJesus on it's anonymous Ftp server . This is a 3D model for computer animations. (This is actually a model of my (Ben) Land Rover, so there are some differences--such as the rear bumper--from a stock SIII. One of my coworkers made the model just to make a video to tease me. I've now seen the video. It features dust, a good simulation of wheels following a rough road and oil drips. At the end my Rover is destroyed by a Shadow ship as featured on Babylon 5. My Land Rover gets cut in half and explodes. It isn't pretty.

Other Information

IDent-A-Rover : an interactive visual program on identifying Series and Defender Land Rovers. Written by Jan Barglowski .
: various posts of information that have been culled from the LRO email list.
Various North American Land Rover events
Technical Information on most variants of Land Rovers.
Contacting Land Rover, UK
Mid-Atlantic Rally II September 1995, Hosted by ROAV .
Expedition Log : text and photos of various Rover trips (just the Mojave Road and New Idria right now) A picture library
The writings of Mike Rooth .
Jeff Berg has kindly put together some photos of his Land Rover and the various custom modifications that it has.
Pictures from Bill Calloccia
Libby Purves writes about greenlaning in two articles ten years apart.

An Index to the RoverWeb and an index based on file modification times
Links to more Web pages.

What's New

Please send comments to Benjamin Smith or Dixon Kenner
This file was last modified on May 6, 2006.