The RoverWeb Land Rover Rally Guide
Right now this is a general guide to Land Rover rallies held in North America on an annual basis. To make this listing, the rally does not have to be specifically a Land Rover rally, but can be a general British car rally that attractes a minimum number of Land Rovers. Ralles in other countries will be added in the future as we find out more about them.
All-British Field Meet, Portland, Oregon |
- Description: An annual British car show held in Oregon every year.
- Club:None (Pacific Coast Rover Club attends)
- Location: Portland International Raceway
- Date: Labor Day Weekend
- Size:1996 had 93 Land Rovers in attendence.
- Events:Static car show, small off-road course on dirt motorcycle track
- Age: 1998 was the 32th Car show
- Press Coverage:
- Notes:
- Description: An annual rally held by OVLR in mid June every year.
- Club:Ottawa Valley Land Rovers
- Location:Eastern Ontario. The past two years have been at Silver Lake, Ontario, approx 60 miles west of Ottawa.
- Date:Mid June
- Size: In 1997 there were approx. 50 Land Rovers in attendence from the US northeast and Canada.
- Events:The Rally offers a light off-road course of several hours in duration to a heavy off-road course. Camping is available on site or in the Provincial Park a quarter of a mile away.
- Age:1998 will be the 15th year that the Birthday Party has been held.
- Press Coverage: The September 1996 issue of Land Rover World has a several page article on the Birthday Party, the November 1996 issue of Land Rover Owner a much smaller article in the clubs section.
British Car Day Bowie Maryland |
- Description: A huge annual British car show
- Club:None (Rover Owners of Virginia, R.O.V.E.R.S., OVLR members in attendance, ROAV with a club display)
- Location:Allen Pond in Bowie Maryland
- Date: June 29th, 1998
- Events:
- Size:The show draws hundreds of British cars every year. Last year (1997) thirty one Land Rovers were in attendence.
- Events:Static car show.
- Age:1998 is the 8th year of this show.
- Press Coverage:
British Invasion Stowe Vermont |
- Description:An annual British car show held in mid September in Stowe Vermont.
- Clubs:None (Bay State ROA and Ottawa Valley LR members attend every year)
- Location:Stowe, Vermont
- Date:Mid September - 1998 - 17,18 September
- Size:Generally there are about 600+ British cars there of all marques. Last year there were about 40 Land Rovers there, primarily members of OVLR and BSROA, as well as other individuals from Ontario, Quebec and New England.
- Events:Static car show, People's Choice Awards. Tug of war (Austin Mini owners versus Land Rover owners), Battle re-enactment, rugby, polo, cricket.
- Age:1996 was the sixth year that the British Invasion has been held.
- Description:An annual rally (described by some as "America's Billings") held, in the past, on the American July 4th day weekend in southern Maine along the Atlantic seaboard.
- Club: None (Bay State Rover Owners Association, Connecticutt Yankee Rovers club, Ottawa Valley Land Rovers in attendance)
- Location: Between Camdem and Owl's Head. The off-road is inland a few miles, the static show was at Owl's Head Transportation Museum. 1998 will see a static show at a different location
- Date:Unlike previous years, the 1998 Downeast Rally will be on June 27th - 28th
- Size:
- 1995: 136 Land Rovers on Sunday
- 1996: 170+ Land Rovers on Sunday
- 1997: 150 approx
- Events: The rally offers an off-road day on the Saturday and a static show on the Sunday at the Owl's Head Transportation Museum in conjunction with a vintage air show. (For more inforamation about the OHTM part call: 207-594-4418, fax: 207-594-4410, email: or go to their web page.) There are generally other activities planned for the Friday and Monday's around the weekend.
- Age: 1998 will be the 10th year the Downeast has been held.
- Press Coverage: The 1996 rally was covered in the October issues of both Land Rover Owner magazine and Land Rover World magazine
- Notes:
Fall Heritage Rally, Massachussets/New England |
- Description An annual Land Rover Rally held each year in New England.
- Club: Bay State Rover Owners Association
- Location:Varies. Generally in Massachussets, southern Vermont, New Hampshire.
- Date:End of September. 1998 will be September 26-27
- Size:40 Land Rovers on average from New England
- 1996: approximately 50-60 Land Rovers.
- Events:Light off-roading, camping.
- Age:1998 will be the fifth year that the rally has been held.
- Press Coverage:
Joe Lucas Mendicino Not-A-Rallye Mendicino National Forest, California |
- Description: Annual joint camping trip to Mendicino National Forest, California
- Club: Mendo_recce email list
- Location:Mendicino National Forest
- Date:April
- Size:1996 saw 34 Land Rovers
- Events:Off-road driving, camping and lots of talking.
- Age:1998 is the 4nd year of the rallye.
- Press Coverage:
- Description: An annual rally held at the end of September, beginning of October in central Virginia.
- Club:Rover Owners of Virginia (ROAV)
- Location: Penlan Farm, Buckingham County, Virginia
- Date:Held at the end of September or beginning of October every year. 1998 will be on October 2-4
- Size:
- 1994: About 80 Land Rovers
- 1995: 133 Land Rovers
- 1996: 133+ Land Rovers
- 1997: approx 200 Land Rovers
- Largest club sponsored Rallye in the US
- Events: The rally offers a trial course, which forms part of the Aluminium Man competition put on annually by ROAV. Camping is available on-site.
- Age:1998 will be the fifth year that the Mid-Atlantic has been held.
- Press Coverage: An article appeared in the November 1995 Land Rover Owner magazine covering the 1995 rally. An article appeared in the February 1997 issue of Land Rover World covering the 1996 Rally
- Notes: The Rally will be scaled back in numbers in 1998 because of the ANARC 50th Anniversary Rally in Greek Peak, New York.
"National" Rally, Colorado |
- Description: An annual Rally held in July in Colorado.
- Club: Solihull Society
- Location:Steamboat Springs, Colorado
- Date:June 27-29, 1998
- Size:1996: 73 Land Rovers
- Events:Off-road drives across portions of the Rockies
- Age:1996 will be the third year of this rally
- Notes: Solihull Society has indicated that they expect some 300 vehicles at their 1998 rally
- Press Coverage: The 1996 Rally is covered in the November 1996 issue of Land Rover Owner magazine
If we have missed out any rallies, or links, please forward the information to the maintainers of this site
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Copyright Dixon Kenner, 1995-7. Last modified 19 February 1998.
Comments? Send mail to
Dixon Kenner or
Benjamin Smith