Re: [lro] roverdrive

From: David Scheidt (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 03:05:19 EST

  • Next message: apsilon: "Re: [lro] rebuild"

    >>Been there, bounced from rock top to rock top and came to a halt in
    >>long steep grades whilst in low first and the throttle floored.
    >>Climbing long real steep grades can run the engine out of torque.
    >>Esp if you are doing it a high altitude. Backing down can be a
    >>bitch if it is technical.
    >I suspect the much lighter weight of my rig makes a difference. I
    >shall continue in my search for too steep a hill!

    Remember that most of the non-rover rock crawlers have 9' tire
    diameters, which require much lower gearing to go slow. They'll talk
    about needing 100:1 or more...
    LRO mailing list

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