RE: LRO: fuel line fittings

From: Easton Trevor A (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 14:03:56 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Ogilvie: "RE: LRO: People's Republic...."

    There was an article in New Scientist a couple of years back about fuel
    catalysts, magnetic polarisers etc. The conclusion was that wrapping a dead
    chicken around the fuel line may have as significant an effect (And you can
    eat the chicken when it's done)

            David "two legs" wrote

    > Why don't you wrap a bunch of twenties around the fuel line? It will have
    > exactly the same effect on the performance of the vehicle, and when you
    > realize how idiotic the thing is, you can take them off and buy gasoline.
    > Until you see a study done by qualified scientists, not in the employ of
    > who ever makes the thing, that says it actually performs as claimed, it's
    > a
    > fraud.

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