Re: [lro] OT - British Registration Letters

From: Keith Tanner (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 23:04:45 EST

  • Next message: Patrick Parsons: "Re: [lro] OT - British Registration Letters"

    I'm only aware, of course, of Colorado and Ontario because I've lived
    there. You can actually get a Star Trek plate in Ontario now, but at least
    it still LOOKS like an Ontario plate. You can also get your amateur radio
    call sign as a plate for no extra charge - those who have been to my
    website might have noticed VE3BBI plates on my Miata. The idea is that hams
    are useful people to identify in an emergency. I'm not sure exactly what
    circumstances would require easy identification of Trekkies.

    Colorado vanity plates actually look homemade. They're not stamped. Go figure.

    Germany has a prefix that indicates the city of registration. France uses
    the postal area, of all things...

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