[lro] An OT project with LR connection (long story)

From: John Cranfield (john.cranfield@ns.sympatico.ca)
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 10:13:51 EST

  • Next message: TeriAnn Wakeman: "Re: [lro] Major Surgery"

    Are you all sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. (anyone recognize
    the quote? Hint you had to be under 5 in the mid 50s living in the UK)

    It started with an anti freeze drip and quickly reached the point where
    I had to stop by a pond to refill the cooling system to get home. Yup
    the water pump had croaked on the 1983 White 2-45 tractor.
    In the shop it went for a strip down. Not too bad a job all things
    considered and air tools really do speed things up.
    Now the question comes, where to get a replacement? There are no White
    dealers in the Province anymore. A call to Winnipeg to Agco head office
    informs me that I can order parts from a dealership of another brand
    about 70 miles away. Off I go to Windsor. Yes they can order a pump for
    me, do I want the rebuilt for $385 or the new genuine one for $585.
    Happy to save a couple of hundred bucks I ordered the rebuilt, "be about
    a week, sir", "No problem, please call me when it's in".
    Next Monday I get the awaited call but the wrong message. " Sorry, There
    is no core in the system for them to rebuild but if we send your old
    pump in it will be shipped 4 weeks after it is received" "Get me the
    new one!!" After another week the new pump arrives and the Dealership
    takes pity on me, knocking $75 off the price.
    Next day with the new pump in place it is clear I should replace the fan
    belt. This too had to be ordered but I had changed the poor quality
    Japanese built alternator with a reliable Lucas one (This is NOT a joke)
    some years ago so the belt had to be measured for size. Naturally the
    new belt was too sort and another 5 day wait ensued for the correct belt
    to arrive.
    Wonderful, everything is ready to be put back together.
     All is back except the hood and the antifreeze. In goes 4 litres, then
    another 4 litres and trickle trickle, the antifreeze is escaping from a
    hole that I had conveniently created while replacing the rad.
    Out comes the rad and the hole soldered. Back goes the rad, No leaks!!
    While the tractor is in shop it really should have the oil and filters
    changed, right? Of course. The new oil filter that I was sure I had was
    not to be found. Off I went to the auto supply place to get new oil
    filters (2, one for a spare) and fuel filters.
    By now you will have realized that the filters had to be ordered and
    "Will take about a week,sir"
    Only four days later the call came "Your oil filters are in, sir, but
    the other two will be a bit longer" Great, I nip off to the store grab
    the filters while the old oil is draining. Out comes the old nasty
    filter and is disposed of, the canister cleaned and the new filter box
    is opened..... Yes, as you have probably guessed I have a pair of nice
    clean fuel filters and NO *&^%$ oil filters, not even the old one. So
    the tractor is still in the shop and poor old Muddy is still out side
    waiting for some work so we can lead the MORE Christmas Party Off Road
    on Sunday.
    John and Muddy
    LRO mailing list

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