LRO: Chicago newspapers

From: Ivan Van Laningham (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 15:03:18 EDT

  • Next message: David Scheidt: "Re: LRO: Chicago newspapers"

    Hi All--
    You know, you'd think this would be a really easy thing to find out from
    the papers' own web pages, but no. The information is not there. It's
    a lot more fun, as well as quicker, to ask this list instead of writing
    to the papers concerned.

    When do the two major Chicago papers come out? (Yes, I did used to live
    there. But I was drunk and I never read the paper. Why do you think I
    spend so much time researching on the net?)

    Land Rover Content to keep the wolves at bay: can I safely assume that
    a 1963 SII (which may have been sold, for those of you who track these
    things) RHD would have been imported to the US with a positive ground?
    This is a minor plot point at best, but a plot point that needs to be
    checked. And how long could you drive a Rover with the generator
    incorrectly polarized? (It's possible I didn't pay attention in class.
    Feel free to enlighten me.)

    <collective-wisdom-of-the-ages>-ly y'rs,
    Ivan Van Laningham
    Army Signal Corps: Cu Chi, Class of '70
    Author: Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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