LRO: Help, Selectro FWH remove/replace?

From: Tim Thorpe (
Date: Fri Jun 22 2001 - 10:51:55 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: LRO: Half Shafts"

    Need to do the hub seals on my SIII LWB, did the first
    rear one yesterday evening. The fronts have Selectro FWH,
    the model which is engaged by a faceplate with a central
    rotating part that weeps oil.

    When ordering the seals, I asked Paddocks what I needed to
    to get the FWH off on the way to replacing the hub seal. They
    seemed to reckon that if I undid the flange nuts, it would
    come right off without opening/dismantling.

    When I did that, and tried to pry it away, it felt as though
    something internal was stopping it. I opened the faceplate,
    and found a nut like a longditudinal equivalent of a castellated
    nut, ie more like a thing with splines and a pin which runs in
    the same axis as the shaft. I suspect that it might need some
    special tool? The surrounding parts are going to make it hard
    to tap it out. I couldn't see further in, whether there is
    indeed some part of the FWH impeding its removal.

    What is the trick? And while I'm asking, is there any way
    to stop it weeping? The oil patches give ammunition to a man
    in my street who doesn't like my car because its a different
    colour to his.

    Tim Thorpe Tel: +44 1223 240366 Fax: +44 1223 414402

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