LRO: Power

From: Robert Ries (
Date: Sat Apr 07 2001 - 17:19:20 EDT

  • Next message: William L Leacock: "LRO: LR dating"

    "However to all those who try to assure us that nuclear is non
    have you so soon forgotten Chernobyl.
    It simply saves its polution to be released in one catastrophy.
    Then there is question of spent fuel which is just being hidden
    at the
    John and Muddy"

    For an interesting way on dealing with power plant spent fuel
    material, read Larry Nivens book "All the Myriad Ways". A more
    realistic solution would be to put it all in glass bricks
    (chemically stable), fence off a not to large section of desert
    (5-8 square miles of Death Valley) and stack the bricks behind
    barbed wire with signs every 50 feet "You will die if you pass
    this fence". Save the material until it cools off or we find a
    better use for it (recycling, yes?) Idiots who tresspass will
    clean themselves from the gene pool. Second option, drop the
    bricks into geological subduction zones (deep ocean trenches
    mostly) for the ultimate in recycling. Problem is that
    uranium/plutonium for fission reactors is also a finite resource
    that will one day be used up like coal/oil. Need to develop
    renewable resources such as fusion (engineering problems, Marin
    get on it!.

    Robert D. Ries
    SSgt, USAF
    Burwell, England
    "With friends like these..."

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