LRO: Hi tech Vs Low TechLRs in WWII movies

From: Easton Trevor A (
Date: Wed Apr 04 2001 - 11:13:43 EDT

  • Next message: Sergi, Michael: "RE: LRO: RE: Parts availability vs. bulletproofing"

    Alex wrote

    > Back in the day, it seemed like ths low technology could win wars because
    > it
    > was easy to fix with little training. Hell, even during the Cold War word
    > had it that if The Bomb really did go off, our circuit boarded,
    > micro-chipped planes would be grounded, but MiGs would fly because they
    > still used vacuum tubes!
            I recall that during one of the conflicts between India and
    Pakistan, India was using British Centurians and Pakistan some high tech US
    tank. The Indian armour won many battles because they would fire a ranging
    round or two then hit the target. The target in the mean time was measuring
    the range, programming the firing solution, selecting a suitable round and
    ........... oops too late.

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