Re: LRO: Acetone and Rain-X

From: Jeff Berg (
Date: Sat Jun 09 2001 - 01:18:17 EDT

  • Next message: DaveB: "Re: LRO: Re: Acetone and Rain-X"

    >Oh, and you don't need to do this on the reapplications, most of the time.
    >If you reapply before the RainX has worn off, thorough cleaning with your
    >favorite glass cleaner is enough.

    I always wait too long. :-(

    >I'll leave it to Mr. Berg to find such a place, though.

    I'm afraid the credit must go to Mr. Fowler who directed me there.
    The oil was fiber filter oil that came from the speedshop side. Amiee
    wandered into the other side an emerged shocked by thee things she
    saw. Not an easy thing to imagine--she's not exactly lived a
    sheltered life.


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