Re: LRO: Re: A puzzler.

From: Keith Tanner (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 22:07:27 EDT

  • Next message: Ivan Van Laningham: "Re: LRO: Re: special tool"

    It's got a generator (I think). It was a + earth truck from the factory. I
    was already using TeriAnn's writeup as my guide.

    I was preparing to convert it to - earth...but I'm wondering if someone
    already beat me to it due to what I'm looking at. So again - how could I
    tell? Therein lies my question - or perhaps I should say: "If I simply
    switch the leads on the battery, will I blow something up?". I can read a
    wiring diagram but I'm not 100% sure of how some of these things actually
    work inside. If nothing will die, I'm gonna simply turn the battery around
    and see how the truck behaves. If the charging problem goes away, then I've
    found out what's going on. If not, I'll assume it's still + earth and
    bastardize it to -.

    Keith Tanner and Basil the confused IIA
    Keith's page de home:

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