LRO: Re: Re: Galvanizing Bulkheads

From: Hope Peter (
Date: Tue Apr 10 2001 - 07:11:36 EDT

  • Next message: David Scheidt: "Re: LRO: Pertronix"

    > I have also heard of potential problems with sandblasting bulkheads. I
    > preparing to blast the BH but was told not to by someone who knows more
    > I do about such matters.
    > Any thoughts to this out there?
    Sand blasting does generate heat. It is possible to warp body panels. I
    wouldn't worry about the BH though. Just vacume the heck out of it after
    wards, then wipe down with copiuos amounts of laquer thinner or some such to
    remove any residue. Then etch prime imediately, or else it will rust within
    hours. The big problem with blasting some parts is ensuring that the dust
    from the process gets out of all the cracks and crannies, otherwise the
    second you hit the triger on the spray gun, the surface suddenly looks and
    feels like sand paper. When I disassembled my BH I used chem paint stripper
    and then sandblaster the rust spots.
    AT the resto shop we had a blaster that mixed water into the stream. Theory
    was that it cooled the metal and prevented warping. Seemed to me that what
    you were really doing was injecting water into the freshly exposed steel.
    Surface rust would start before the parts was even dry.

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