Mojave Road Trip

30 Dec 1995-1 Jan 1996

The Mojave Road is the dotted line. We intend to drive it from Fort Mojave to a point just off the left side of the map. A good guess is that the map is somewhere between 80 and 90 miles across.

[1] (by the purple arrow) the exit that you get off for the meet point
[2] (purple x) approximate point of where Gerry and I will be camping the nigt before.
[3] Photo (By Soda Springs) on the Soda Lake Bed
[4] Photo In Afton Canyon
Photo Pickup and desert Valley
Photo Road through vegitation
Photo Samari in washy area
Photo Samari navigates "tough" spot (not really, but I couldn't think of a better description)

The Plan

Neccessary Supplies

The Road

Little (legal type) details

Gory Details