Identa-Rover Version 1.0
Features Working
- Backtracking on bottom of each question page
- Got Rovers-Left links working (30 Nov)
- Backtracking buttons are same size/shape (30 Nov)
- Fixed hangups caused by compound expect statements (1 Dec)
- Mystery hangups (yep, it's a feature :-)
- All images 4 or 5 bit GIFs @ 160x120 (real fast now!) (4 Dec)
- New format w/Don't know answer bar separate from other answers (4 Dec)
- Smaller, faster background image (4 Dec)
- Hangups caused by expect fixed! (by using pipes, not expect :-) (6 Dec)
- Autoforwards (client pull) to final Rover page if only match. (6 Dec)
- Made the image and finals directories "portable". (20 Mar)
Features To Go
- Make a better image preloader.
- Don't ask non-applicable questions. (in expert system) (Version 2.0?)
- Don't provide non-applicable answers. (in expert system)
- Add lightweights, FC's, and Range Rovers.
Suggestions, problems?
Email me