[lro] Blizzard of '03, Awesome.

From: NADdMD@aol.com
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 15:13:43 EST

  • Next message: David Scheidt: "Re: [lro] Nuts?"

    Well, as the fates may have it, I'm on call this weekend.

    I had to drive in this morning which wasn't much, about 6 inches of snow,
    mostly unplowed. I finished up at the hospital a little bit ago and it was
    time to head home. I get back in the Rover and start out.

    Lots of SUV's zooming around me--some of them I pass a bit later as they try
    to back out of the piles of snow left by the plows at the sides of the road.
    All of them appear mobile, although some have flatter door panels and are
    missing plastic trim bits.

    Once I got off the interstate, it was clear that if a plow had been through
    the secondary road, it was a while ago. 10 inches down on the road, but
    still a lot of tracks and the occasional large 4X4 truck. Six miles down
    the road I turn off onto one of the 3 progressively smaller country lanes
    that lead home. No evidence of a plow or traffic from here to home (5 miles)
    including 2 pretty substantial hills. 18 to 24 inch drifts across the road.

    I made it home with virtually no problem--awesome.

    I actually found the undriven snow much easier to navigate than the
    previously tracked, snow packed road.

    Nate Be safe out there.
    LRO mailing list

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