[lro] Could be worse... Little Rover content...

From: Jean-Leon Morin (offroaddesign@softhome.net)
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 21:13:27 EST

  • Next message: Paul Quin: "Re: [lro] Could be worse... Little Rover content..."

    Interesting weekend at work... No Land-Rover content

    Jeep owner shows up on our doorstep this morning, requesting a brake
    inspection. 1996 Jeep TJ, with serious brake issues. I was thinking blown
    brakeline, from the symptoms described (mush pedal) however I was quite
    puzzled by the fact that the handbrake wasn't working and there was a
    clanking noise coming from the left rear.

    Imagine our surprise when we found that the backing plate had sheared and
    torn itself to shreds, ripping brakeline off and tearing off the parking
    brake cable. The backing plate was merrily spinning at axle speed, inside
    the drum, with shoes, wheel cylinder and adjusters still in place (sort of).
    The inside of the backing plate (which bolts on with 4 bolts) was still
    affixed to the axle tube, and the outside ring to which the wheel cylinder
    and shoes attach, completely seperated in a torn mess of sheet metal.

    Kind of an odd failure mode. No excessive sitting time that would have
    caused a rust buildup, he was stopping normally and "crunch".

    Weird vehicles, them Jeeps.

    LRO mailing list

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