[lro] fuel pump

From: Todd Schlemmer (nullman@centurytel.net)
Date: Wed Nov 27 2002 - 12:28:45 EST

  • Next message: Eyekelly@aol.com: "Re: [lro] Howling noise when driving"

    Should a fuel pump act as a one-way valve to prevent the back flow of fuel
    in line to the carb?

    After sitting for a length of time, OZF has no fuel visible in the filter.
    I replaced the element last night, expecting to spill gas all over the
    place, but there was nothing in the line after the filter. All lines from
    pump happy, good shape, no leaks.

    In my muddled imaginings, this fits with some observed behavior. After
    sitting for a length of time, starting OZF goes like this:
    Crank: Bang!, run for a second, dies.
    mutter mutter
    Crank: Crank: Crank: (Crank: Crank: Crank:) Bang! Runs happy.

    My reasoning: No fuel in line (pump valves/diaphram tired, worn?); on
    start, fuel is burned from bowl, but pump has not pressurized fuel at float
    valve. Engine dies. Continued cranking pressurizes line, fills bowl,
    engine starts.

    Ergo: time for a new fuel pump.

    Someone check my logic

    Todd Schlemmer
    Vashon Island, WA
    LRO mailing list

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