LRO: RE: Junkyard Wars

From: RON WARD (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 10:02:57 EDT

  • Next message: george kase: "LRO: 2.5L N/A oil filter?"

    Hey, I stood and saluted the stars and stripes when they played the national anthem, don't misunderstand me. I did think the Brits showed a bit more, err, shall we say 'elan' with the hydraulic press. Good old 'Mercan passion for brute force prevailed though, even at the protests of the tini Mini's front left brake shoe!!

    >>> 07/05/01 09:43AM >>>
    Excuuuuuuuse Me!

    HOW can you say that they had little finesse when they used a MINI for their
    sledgehammer power plant? I had a lot of problems on who to cheer for on
    the show - the Mini or the Series III - Ah well good 'ol nationality won
    out - but I got worried when the sledgehammer had trouble with the
    bulkhead.... USA USA USA......


    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
    Behalf Of RON WARD
    Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 8:11 AM
    Subject: LRO: Junkyard Wars

    Anyone catch last nights TLC broadcast of the Junkyard Wars championship?
    The Brits made great use of a nice blue Series III 88" in powering their
    hydraulic car crusher. The US farm boys sledgehammer method took the prize
    but with much less finesse.

    Anyone know where this show is filmed? I saw an early Range Rover 2-door in
    a pile of junk. It was a great show with many very humorous moments.
    Wonder how we could incorporate the "junkyard war" element into Land Rover
    events like our upcoming Southern Land Rover Society (
    Southern Appalachian Expedition?



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