Re: LRO: the new guy war

From: RON WARD (
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 14:21:16 EDT

  • Next message: RON WARD: "Re: LRO: New Guy or All about Joe"

    Thanks for saying that. Bravo.

    >>> SHARDING@SCHULTE-LAW.COM 06/29/01 01:55PM >>>
             I agree with Bill. Lighten up and don't hassle a guy becuase he's
    thinking out loud of doing something different with a series rig than
    anyone else may have considered. Perhaps he'll find a way of doing it in
    a way not previously thought up.

            As to the beef about leafers knowing nothing of coilers, that's
    certainly true as to me. In general, all of us would do well to keep the
    BS sifters on a fairly fine setting regardless of topic becuase there is
    a lot of BS generated when folks are sitting in front of a computer
    writing about topics they may have no first hand knowledge of, or may
    have dealt with only once, so many months or years ago. I was told I
    could rebuild a koenig winch for just a few hundred dollars (by the ^%*^
    that sold the broken, rusty rotten thing to me), and while I didn't
    believe the guy for a second, I've spent many more dollars than that
    actually doing the job. He clearly had no idea of what is actually
    involved, was embellishing or lying. You don't know with a capital k,
     the answer to a question unless you've had your hands dirty on the same
    subject, and even then, each rover and rover component, and problem with
    a component may be different. Throw into the mix poor recollections,
    embellishment, BS and outright lying (a potential if money is changing
    hands), and you have very good reason to consider the source and beware
    of BS.

            But all of this is no reason to be rude to a new person interested in
    series rigs. Especially someone into Scouts.

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