Re: LRO: Slowing down windscreen wipers REDUX

From: Rick Grant (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 11:52:21 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: LRO: Re: disk brakes conversion"

    At 05:39 06/06/01 -0400, Alan Richer/CAM/Lotus, wrote
    >Gee - thanks a lot, Rick.....8*)
    >Seriously, though, you did put grease in the gearcase, right?
    >Hmmm....Y'know, if you were at all electronically inclined (and it doesn't
    >take all that much to do) I'd think about a PWM speed control for it.

    Well I hope like hell that this doesn't kick off another "grease in
    swivels" message swirl but yes I put grease in there. I used a fancy and
    expensive bicycle bearing grease that was kicking around in the tool
    box. I rebuilt the wipers as per your article about three years ago. At
    that point only one wiper would move at all and only at a creeping
    reluctant pace. Since then, Warp 2.

    Now, for the matter at hand. After reading all of the responses I've
    decided to first of all wire both motors into a single dash switch. This
    will at least lower the distraction level problem.

    And I really like that Homebrew PWM article. While I am not that good with
    a soldering iron it does look like a good rainy day project (forgive the
    pun). I probably won't get around to playing with that project for a while
    but the switch I can do today, and I should because there can't be more
    than a couple of days rain left here before the drought resumes.

    As for the discussion regarding sensing the park position -- it reads like
    the proceedings of a Mathematics of a Black Hole Singularity Conference to me.

    I like Rain-X a lot but I like messing around with mechanical puzzles even

                                                 Rick Grant

                                        1959 Series II "88"

    Rick Grant Communications
    Media and Crisis Management
    Calgary Ottawa

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