Re: LRO: Another Solex Question

From: RON WARD (
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 21:46:23 EDT


There should be a gasket where you didn't have one. the gasket is in fact the one that 95% lines up. I asked the question earlier today and haven't gotten a response. Anyone?

Ron Ward

>>> 05/16/01 18:18 PM >>>
Unexpectedly got the afternoon off today and all of the Solex talk going
around inspired me to tackle my whistling Solex.

I think that I've found the air leak between the Starter body (part # 22 in
the green manual) and the Throttle chamber (part # 2). Is there supposed to
be a gasket between these two bits? There was no gasket there when I got
the vehicle. I have two Solex overhaul kits and both have a gasket that
*almost* fits... the screw holes are 95% lined up but there seems to be an
excess of other holes in the gasket. I know that there is an optional
heater element that fits in here and I thought it possible that this gasket
would be used for the element assembly (part #23).

Can anybody help out??


Paul Quin
1961 SII 88
Victoria, BC

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