Re: LRO: LMA vs. DOT 4

From: Alan Richer/CAM/Lotus (
Date: Mon May 07 2001 - 07:14:23 EDT

  • Next message: Alan Richer/CAM/Lotus: "Re: LRO: LMA vs. DOT 4"

    >Your brake system will be happy with any brake fluid that is rated DOT4.
    >Most auto parts store carries at least one brand of DOT4 fluid.

    I am very sorry to disagree but not all DOT4 fluids are the same. I have
    personally had hydraulic system failures from using a fluid that while DOT4
    was not Castrol - it promptly dissolved all my seals.Pyroil was the name -
    and I haven't used any other than Castrol since.

    Natural rubber seals (Girling and he like) require a fluid different from
    the standard American and European synthetic rubber seals. Specifically,
    the seals can't contain mineral-oil products else the rubber swells and

    DOT ratings are for boiling, NOT chemical composition.


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