LRO: Weird experience

From: William J. Rice (
Date: Sat Apr 14 2001 - 21:40:23 EDT

  • Next message: David Scheidt: "Re: LRO: People's Republic...."

    Took the roof off today and went off-roading. Came to a squirrely spot
    in 2nd low. Lifted a wheel and didn't make it. Coasted back a bit and
    tried for another go. Truck wouldn't move--clutch slipping.
    Decided to winch forward. Winch not working. Decide to pop bonnet and
    see if winch connections are good. Bonnet won't open b/c I imagine the
    bulkhead (roof off, remember?) was leaning back a tad too far to allow it
    to release.
    Decide to use hi-lift and cables and chains and straps to try to pull her
    back. No dice. Some quad-riders come along. We try to push it but it
    sounds like something in the drivetrain is preventing the truck's
    movement (this is w/ clutch in AND the tranny in neutral).
    Eventually I put the t-case in neutral and back she went. Any shifting
    at all was incredibly difficult and required the rocking of the truck.

    Once she was back down we tried to drive it. No dice in any of the
    gears, BUT if I put the gearbox in neutral and the t-case in low and then
    let the clutch out she'd move forward like she was in 1 low.

    So I figure I'll limp back to pavement like that then get a tow home to
    my spare tranny and my new frame (which I was going to start installing
    next weekend anyway). But I hop in, put her in neutral (my new first
    gear) and she won't go anywhere! Neutral has become neutral again.
    Gearbox works fine for the rest of the day, tho' it pops out of 2nd low
    like CRAZY. Once we got back to pavement it worked just fine the whole
    way home.

    Heres the question: What on earth happened inside my gearbox/ transfer
    case and why did it cure itself after some bonking?

    TIA very very much,

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