LRO: Birthday Wish (Non-Land Rover)

From: Larry Smith (
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 21:08:35 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Ries: "LRO: Fwd: Power (Nucular!!)"

    Ok folks, we've talked about Land Rovers, coffee, boats, planes, etc.

    I have a birthday coming up and have an unfulfilled fantasy. I want a ride
    in a DC-3/C-47. Don't care whether I go as passenger or cargo (Hey I
    retired after 22 years in the Army - I'm used to going as cargo!) I've
    ridden in a lot of military aircraft, but never one of these.

    Anyone know of a Charter or Scheduled flying, preferably on or near the East
    Coast, I can hook up with? If so, please respond off list.

    Thanks for the band width.

    Larry Smith
    Chester, VA

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